At the end of the journey of life
wind always blows without expecting anything,
it always gives pleasure,
to the trees, to man of desert, to sailors.
wind always travels through the world.
but no one accompany.
it never blame.
B'caz it knows.
at the end of the journey of life no one accompany.
tree always sacrifice their gain to world.
it always give shelter,
to all who ever needs it n whenever need,
it always fight with climate.
but no one accompany.
it never blame.
B'caz it knows.
at the end of the journey of life no one accompany.
then why people being so mean, so greedy.
they always hurt around,
the friends, the family, and loved one.
they never think about.
they become alone,
they always blame.
B'caz they don't know.
at the end of the journey of life no one accompany.
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