22 March, 2013

Father and Son

Recently I have been watching a movie name Lakshya. It is a nice movie to enjoy. But there were some specific scene that i got touched about. Hritik was always fighting with his father or we can say they both were not comfortable. That was also the fault of Hritik only. As he was not serious about anything in his life and His father wanted him to take something seriously. That was the reason Hritik always disliked his father.

The same scene i have observed in movie wake up sid. Ranbir was spoiled brat. He did not like the way his mother was speaking in English. He did not like his father's biz. Even he gave a try to it. He loved his father but just because of some fight with him related to results of exams. He left his home and family. 

In real life scenes also, i have noticed that children are more attached with their mothers. They normally share everything with their mother. And insist their mother to ask something to their fathers. As fathers are more of straight mind. They thinks of many things before taking any decision. And mothers normally take decision with the emotions to their child. So in such situations, children keeps fear against their father express love to their mother mostly. If the situation comes against them. They even fight with father. That is not because children don't like their father. But just because of the bonding between them are not too much emotional. 

I am not saying that father don't love their child. But just because father want to build his child. He don't express his feelings to him. Even in hard situation where child needs love. Father asks him to fight against the situation. But that doesn't mean father don't do anything for his child. He always work hard to provide all necessary things for his child. Father always keeps eyes on his child's behavior. Father scold his child for even small small things. That is just to build his child to stand on his legs in this world. 

But after all this, father is also a human being. He also has love, care and attachment to his child. Just he don't express all this feelings against his responsibility. This normally destructs this relationship.

But after a long time when person gets mature or after becoming father himself, one comes to know that how much his father loved him. How many sacrifices his father made after him. Mother is the most important factor that builds a child's future. But father is the base of the whole life of his child. Most of the things a child learns from his father's life, behavior, guidance. 

I am not being able to justify this article very well. I have not been so much good son up to now. As well this is the tradition of Indian families. But now a days family values are being changed. I am not pretty sure about the role of a father in new tradition and other cultures. Even this is not the case with "father and daughter  relation. It is a very different relation. 

One night a father overheard his son's pray "Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is." 
Later that night, 
the Father prayed "Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be."

Just got inspired by the scene in the movie Lakshya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmjBFmuYYP8


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