31 July, 2012

Way of living life

I am not philosopher, poet nor writer. I wrote this because mostly people try to fit the writer in one of the form, he writes about.

I have always tried to be a good person, a good friend, great support. I have never refuse anyone to help them out of any issues. Specially for all of them whom i do feel like mine.

But what about the end. At last everyone moves on forgetting about you. They just go ahead. After a long time when any of them meet, they ask only one question "Are you still there ?". In fact you didn't move from your position. But they don't see that moving object was not you but themselves.

This case mostly happens in relationship which can't grow beyond a limit e.g. fridends, lovers, coulleges. At the time they are with you. You would be support/importance of life. As soon as they step away. They make you object to discuss about.

I have been observing attitude of many people towards life. I want to talk mainly about two of them. Both do connected to each other but they don't know about it.

First attitude, You can be a person who is available for anyone. Specially for friends, their friends, relatives and their friends. He always stands for all of these for any problem. but what at last, when he sticks in some probelm, all of them become BUSY or unavailable as of time or for any of the reason they can't stand with him. Main thing they always give a stronge REASON (in reality they prove that they want to stand but !!!!!). But what about you ?????

Second attitude, you fix some goal, fight for it. You keep going ahead in a way. At last you get the goal, you become a welknown person. But what about people around you. You certainly missed their presence. As you were never asked for it. But they stood with you to support you in your journey, until they fed up. But what at last you just leave them as they were not present at the moment you get your goal. Is this what all about getting goal ?????

I am not sure about any of these attitude. I would be wrong. But i have seen people with these type of attitude. There are many other types of attitude people do have. I am not a psychologist who can give detailed study of them. These is just what i have seen around.

"Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude."



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