01 March, 2010

Every relationship has an expiry

I recently heard this line "Every relationship has an expiry". It made me think about for a while that is it really true. But it seems like, not only relations but each and everything around us has an expiry. It sounds funny but many mobile sim providers gave life time validity scheme, but after activating that, one can realize that it is up to 20-30 years only. I know it as I am having it in my Airtel mobile.
I am not being pessimist, but nothing is going to be with you for lifetime, not parents, not brother or sister, not friends, not the thing that you love the most. Have you ever heard that a person’s pyre have been consisted of all of favorite things or loved ones.

I think the sentence that "Everything that has a beginning has an end" is true also. Everything is connected. Everything has a goal including human. Sometimes some cannot realize it but ultimately travels to the end. The thing that differs from person to person is the way they travel and the way the end takes place.

When I discussed this topic to some of my close friends, One told me that “dude, you are right, there is one expiry date for each and everything. But can you tell me who defines this date.” For a time being I couldn’t answer his question. Then I thought about it. In case of other things, many science factors affect this date. So please excuse me, I m little bit poor in science. But in relationship, this date can’t ever be predefined. We, people define it as per our need. We break relations. There are many reasons why one breaks relation with someone. I don’t need to give you the list of reasons. But the truth is, the expiry date of any relation is defined by person involved.

Another point, I got in my mind is that in relationship I have never seen any tag like “best use before” or “expiry date:” then why after some time it expires so suddenly. And why after expiration everyone gets reason for that. If it is reasonable then why can’t you define it before starting it? Yeah I know some relations are by born and some are by law (in-laws). What about other? I don’t know its answer or probably can’t speak it out here.

I have a very little experience of relationship, but I learned one thing. People may stop talking to you, may avoid you, may be insult you, but they won’t ever forget what you make them feel.

“No one is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, he won't make you cry”

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